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Under the spotlight: Under 9 girls

Under the spotlight: Under 9 girls

Dom Auty3 Nov 2023 - 16:45
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This week the spotlight is on the under 9 girls…

We caught up with U9’s girls manager Danny Roberts this week, who is assisted by experienced coaches Paul Atherton, Rich Coleclough and Mark Norris.

The side was set up at U7’s as Hawarden’s first girls team in 17 years! The popularity of the section has grown over the past few seasons, and the success of both the group and its individuals is apparent, thanks to the dedication of the coaching team.

Danny has dedicated over 25 years to the club, serving in various roles. He started out as a player in the clubs junior section at U7’s, progressing through the ranks as a player in a journey that has led him to now being a part in the successful Vets side (a common theme so far in the ‘Under the spotlight’ series!) As well as a player and coach, he's also a member of the clubs Executive Committee.

His coaching journey started 6 years ago when his son joined the ‘mini kickers’. Danny has subsequently continued the journey with the side and, alongside other coaching roles elsewhere, is the current U12’s manager.

The transition into coaching was a natural one for Danny…
Whilst on my coaching journey, alongside completing my UEFA C licence, I’ve found a passion for passing on experiences of 32 years playing, looking to evolve the players confidence, technical ability and social development.

Here’s what he had to say on…

the success of the side…

After starting the girls team at U7’s, it quickly became very popular, alongside the increasing popularity of the women’s game. The team now boasts an array of talent with players also at various other clubs such as Wales, Flintshire, Wrexham, Chester and Connah’s Quay Nomads.

on his focus for the team…

I’m a born winner, and this shows through the teams I manage, coach and play in. Hawarden Girls have the same passion and commitment which runs through the team and shows each game they play. The focus for the girls this year is more game time and we have already started to travel further afield with friendlies in Bury, Wirral and Altrincham.

recent successes as a team…

Several tournaments have passed over the summer and often the girls are playing a year up, which is a testament to the standard they are currently playing. We’ve achieved several tournaments wins and finals already.

Winning a tournament at Bury was an accolade to be proud off, and winning the Brymbo Tournament a year up was another success over the summer. Other highlights include our trip to Newport and having a coaching session with current Wales U17’s Manager Nia Davies.

Individuals in the team have already been recognised and now the focus is for team to strengthen and test against academy standard opposition to further grow.

the future of the girls section…

There is a review in the pipeline to further grow Hawarden Girls Teams and implement a coaching system and pathway for the girls teams.

and finally…

We have an ever growing following and great parent support which make it an even more rewarding journey for us all to share together.
RK Interiors have kindly sponsored our football kits so far and continue to back these girls which is allowing them to play and grow into the team they have become.

Keep your eyes peeled for more developments from the girls section in the club and we look forward to the continued development of the teams and it’s individuals in the coming months and years!


Further reading